Cornish Arabian
Why Choose Us

To provide every patient a dental experience that exceeds their expectations while building a relationship based on trust & exceptional customer service.


Teeth Cleaning

Is self cleaning enough?
No matter how hard and thorough you brush your teeth, there are certain areas of the mouth where tooth brush is difficult to reach, which ends up in building up of plaque & tartar. That must be eliminated.

For effective scaling & polishing feel free to contact Cornish Arabian Aesthetic Clinic.


Teeth Filing

Dental Carries can be caused by many reasons. In the initial stages it can be managed by simple dental fillings before it reaches the pulp that many eventually lead to the complete loss of tooth. Dental fillings helps to restore the teeth that is either broken or decayed. We provide effective, aesthetically pleasing dental fillings.


Tooth Removal

There are so many reasons which ends up in removal of the tooth. Main reasons for tooth removal are tooth decay, extremely mobile tooth, tooth removal to correct crowding of teeth, tooth unable to erupt through gums. However tooth removal is the last option and we, Cornish Arabian Aesthetic Clinic does it in a effective & painless way.


Root Canal Treatment

Importance of RCT.
When the decay extends to the pulp which ends up in pulpal irritation and pain.
The effective way to save such tooth is to remove the nerves inside the tooth & clean the inside of the tooth & filling it up with artificial filling material. Cornish Arabian Aesthetic Clinic provides effective RCT including X-ray facility.


Teeth Whitening

Do we really need whitening?
White pleasing smile is everyone’s’ dream. White teeth make one’s smile more attractive. If your teeth is yellow & dull which affects your confident smile then try ZOOM teeth whitening with Cornish Arabian Aesthetic Clinic.


Dental Bridge

When you lose a tooth & you are looking for an affordable fixed tooth replacement option, you can go for fixed bridge, which takes support from adjacent tooth by capping them too. Different materials are available for dental bridge & patient can choose these materials (zirconia, full ceramic, PFM) depending on their preference & affordability.


Dental Crown

Tooth with defects can be covered using dental crowns. Any cracked, chipped, & broken teeth can be covered by cap. Root Canal treated tooth can be reinforced by dental crowns. Crowns are available in different materials (zirconia, full ceramic, PFM Emax) according to your preference & affordability.


Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin shells made of tooth colored materials which are used to cover the front side of the teeth to improve the color, shape, contour & size of the teeth. We offer our patients best, cost effective, lasting veneers (zirconia, Emax, laminates) with effective dental treatments.


Dental Braces

If you have crooked, crowded, malposition tooth & you want it in proper alignment, we have specialist orthodontist available in Cornish Arabian Aesthetic Clinic. They also restore the relationship between upper & lower jaws.



Invisalign aligners are the clear alternative to metal braces for adults, kids & teens. It stands as the leading choice for people seeking teeth straightening options. We guarantee the agreed treatment plan so that the patient can be fully confident of the result, the natural looking, healthy, beautiful smile

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Committed To

Dental Services

Globally harness multimedia based collaboration and idea haring with backend products.

Dental Implants

Dramatically disseminate standardized metrics after resource-leveling processes.


Proactively fabricate one-to-one materials via effective e-business services processes.

Teeth Whitening

Distinctively re-engineer revolutionary meta-services and premium architectures.

Creating Smiles
For A Lifetime

DentiCare Studio is a well-established dentist in the heart of Budapest providing excellent dentistry for the whole family. Our priority is making you feel comfortable and at ease in a safe and welcoming environment.

General Dentistry
Competently parallel task researched data process.
Leverage other resource leveling convergence data.
Dental Surgery
Engage fully tested process top line platform clients.
User generated content in real time offshoring.
Incubate standards great channels scalable benefits.
Teeth Braces
Synthesize integrated schemas with networks.
Revolutionize global sources through dental services.
Teeth Protection
Evisculate holistic innovation rather than centric data.

The Dental

Alex Terrel

Senior Orthodontist

Appropriately empower dynamic leadership skills after business portals. Globally myocardinate interactive supply chains with quality.

Michél Anderson

Pediatric Dentist

Enthusiastically mesh long-term high-impact infrastructures vis-a-vis efficient customer service leadership rather than prospective experiences.

Edwin Southgate

Senior Prosthodontist

Objectively integrate enterprise-wide strategic theme areas with good infrastructures. Interactively productize premium technologies.

Carlie Addison

Dental Nurse

Uniquely deploy cross-unit benefits with wireless testing procedures. Build backward compatible relationships whereas tactical paradigms.

Cornish Clinic

A team of experts working to ensure you receive the best treatment.

Social Networks

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